Referred by Opthalmologists from all across the state
We accept insurance
  • Referred by Opthalmologists from all across the state
  • We accept insurance

Dedicated To Your Comfort

Backed By Over 24 Years Of Improving Our Patients’ Quality Of Life

If this is your first experience with an Ocularist (someone who fits’ and custom manufactures artificial eyes), SNG Prosthetic Eye Institute was founded in 1989 and has become one of the leading centers in Florida for custom artificial eye care. We are very well aware of what you may be feeling. We assure you that we will do everything we can to make you feel as comfortable as possible. We will fully explain everything we do and will happily answer any questions you may have.


Patient Feedback

"Just have to send you a “Thank You” for my new prosthetic eye that I received yesterday in WPB 2-26-2025. I have been going to SNG for appx 15 yrs and this last prosthetic is the best ever. - Fit is perfect and not disfiguring to my face. Thank you Zach. - Color and artwork is a perfect match to my other eye. Thank you Artist (Scott?) Sorry don’t know name. - Julie is the best representative for SNG. So efficient and friendly. Never seen her have a bad day. Thank you Julie. Your work just keeps rising to another level of expertise. I am so thankful Dr. Timothy Murray referred me to your business. Happy Customer, Sharon Weiss"


"I was extremely happy with the job that the Prosthetic Eye Instititute did with my eye. I feel like I can face the world again with confidence. Everyone tells me how good I look now, and it wouldn’t be possible without PEI’s help. Thank you so much!"

-- Jenny Smith - Boca Raton, FL

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